
DAEBO Construction Integrated Management

Maximize cust–
omer satisfaction
through contin–
uous innovation

DAEBO Engineering & Construction efficiently manages quality, environment and safety policies.

DAEBO Engineering & Construction has obtained international quality and environmental management system certifications (ISO9001 / 14001) and Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS 18001) with KOSHA18001 (Korea Occupational Safety Health Agency). Since 2011 we have operated effective, integrated management of quality, environment, and safety/health policies.

Our quality policy

Top quality realized by measurable objectives and regular assessment.
Maximized customer satisfaction by improved performance through continuous innovation.
  1. 01Top quality

  2. 02Environmentally-friendly construction

  3. 03Culture of voluntary safety control

  4. Zero accident


DAEBO Construction Integrated Management

Maximize cust–
omer satisfaction
through contin–
uous innovation

DAEBO Engineering & Construction
practices environmental and safety management.

DAEBO Engineering & Construction practices environmental and safety management through organic cooperation among the CEO, project management division (including safety and environmental team and relevant business units), and a construction site. The environmental organization at the construction site is supervised by the site manager, who is the on-site environment-in-charge and promotes organic cooperation at the site.

The safety organization is composed of the site manager, who is the on-site safety/health-in-charge, safety manager who provides general instructions and advice, and safety supervisor who is in charge of managing/supervising safety and accident prevention.

  • CEO
  • Safety and Environmental Team
  • Project Management Div.
  • Project Div.
  • Construction / Civil Engineering Team
  • Site Manager
  • Safety Manager
  • Safety Supervisor
  • Environment Supervisor
  • Quality Supervisor

On-site environmental
management system

Depending on the results of the periodic monitoring,
Corrective action is taken immediately in case of nonconformity.

When the construction site is prepared, design documents based on an environmental impact assessment and results of relevant discussions, are reviewed and analyzed in order to assess potential environmental impact and hazards caused by the project. Then, environmental management promotional plans for the site's environmental objectives, applicable to the site, are developed, and the on-site environment manager makes a checklist according to environmental inspection plans developed by the site manager. Later, regular monitoring is conducted to identify any non-conformance and to provide corrective measures.

Process of the on-site environment management

  1. 01Review of the
    site and design

  2. 02Environmental

  3. 03Environmental

  4. 04Environmental management
    promotional plans

  5. 05Monitoring and measurement

  6. 06Environmental inspection


DAEBO Construction Integrated Management

safety control

DAEBO Engineering & Construction is actively utilizing
smart risk assessment system.

DAEBO Engineering & Construction has obtained OSHA18001/KOSHA18001 and promoted accident prevention activities systematically. In particular, KOSHA18001, which we obtained in November 2017, for the first time as a mid-sized constructor, is a system for eliminating hazards in advance through
the cycle of Plan→Do→Check→Action. This system, together with our smart hazard assessment system, is a key element of our accident prevention efforts.

KOSHA 18001 인증 수여식

KOSHA 18001 awarding

안전 깃발 전달

Safety flag presentation

On-site safety control process

  1. Safety and health
    management policy

  2. Hazard assessment

  3. Meeting for

  4. Safety training

    Safety activity

  5. Safety

  6. Continuous improvement